Class of 2020
BS Computer Science

Aspiration Statement

“Career-wise, I am inclined towards project management, design thinking, research and development, and data analysis. After the professional experience, I would want to pursue postgraduate studies in Business or Design Thinking Innovation, giving me broader academic and professional exposure. My passions are topped by social service, reading, interior designing, baking and travelling.”

Core Skills

  • Python 3.0
  • C++
  • Unity5
  • MySQL
  • Web Content Writing
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Research and Development (R&D)
  • Database Management System (DBMS)

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Excellence Scholarship - Fall 2016-Spring 2020
  • Habib Merit Scholarship
  • HU Meritorious Award
  • Best Interdisciplinary Capstone Design for DSSE Class of 2020 Habib University (Jul 2020)
  • Winner of IFTP 2020 at Habib University Habib University (Feb 2020)


Leadership / Meta-curricular

Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Operations Analyst - US Mobile (Feb 2021 - Present)
  • WordPress Developer - Digital Unit (Apr 2020 - May 2020)
  • Seimens Pakistan - SAP Intern
  • StudySpace of Nest I/O - Curriculum Development Intern
  • FIXIT School - Volunteer Teacher

Publications / Creative Projects

  • Project Khuahish: Co-founder of the social startup, Project Khuahish, which aims to prototyping a digital solution to cater to the literacy crisis in Pakistan, so education is more accessible to the working unprivileged.

Final Year Project

Project Title

AEGIS: Virtual Self-Defense Trainer


The cases of violence against women are adding up every day; it is happening in nearly all parts of the world. A study shows that almost 80% of women experience domestic abuse and 93% women experience some form of sexual violence in public places in their lifetime. Pakistan has been ranked seventh in cases of sexual violence and harassment. In such situations, we need to make sure women are safe everywhere. Unfortunately the conditions of our society cannot be improved very quickly. Therefore, we need to equip them with self-defense skills so that they can take care of themselves and no one can harm them. AEGIS is a virtual self-defense training platform for those individuals who are unable to attend physical classes due to restrictions, locality and prices. To do so, we incorporated pose-detection, pose-evaluation, scoring and user feedback to get real-time training and response from avatar-based game system. (Group ProjectInterdisciplinary)

Project Pictures